Revista de Administración, Psicología e Ingeniería Industrial
Año 10, No. 31, mayo - agosto 2024, es una publicación electrónica cuatrimestral editada por Jorge Noriega Zenteno/Zulma Sánchez Estrada/Jorge Aarón Noriega Sánchez. Av. de Las Rosas 260A, Fracc. Hda. Real de Tultepec, Tultepec, México, C.P. 54987, Cel. 55-11-26-55-27, E-mail:

Editores responsables: Jorge Noriega Zenteno/Zulma Sánchez Estrada/Jorge Aarón Noriega Sánchez. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2023-020811120400-203, ISSN: 2448-7740, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número, Jorge Noriega Zenteno,  Av. de Las Rosas 260A, Fracc. Hda. Real de Tultepec, Tultepec, México, C.P. 54987, fecha de última modificación, 31 de agosto de 2024.

Las opiniones expresadas por los autores no necesariamente reflejan la postura de los editores de la publicación.

Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de los contenidos e imágenes de la publicación sin previa autorización de los editores.

Revista Arbitrada e Indexada

Folio Latindex: 27267


Certificado de Factor de Impacto Internacional SJIF (Scientific Journal Impact Factor)
Journal of Business Administration, Psychology and Industrial Engineering

We warmly welcome you to our Administration, Psychology and Industrial Engineering page.
This is a journal of scientific, technological and social dissemination.
Here you can find various articles of interest on topics related to Business Administration, Psychology and Industrial Engineering, which are published every four months in each of the aforementioned categories, or it can be in a single category.
In addition, they may publish any article related to the aforementioned professional areas, so that any researcher or student can share their knowledge and make their information accessible to all the public interested in these branches of knowledge.
Anyone interested in publishing their information can contact us through this page or write us an e-mail to the following address:

Contact Us by WhatsApp: 5511265527

* Revista de Administración, Psicología e Ingeniería Industrial (Journal of Administration, Psychology and Industrial Engineering) is an Arbitrated and Indexed Journal *
Revista de Administración, Psicología e Ingeniería Industrial is a peer-reviewed and indexed quarterly publication of scientific, technological and social dissemination. Here you can find various articles of interest on topics related to Business Administration, Psychology and Industrial Engineering. Editions are published every four months. The dates of the quarterly editions are April 30, August 31 and December 31. The receipt of articles is during February and March, and until April 25; June and July, and until August 25; October and November, and until December 25.

The procedure to publish your articles is as follows:
1.- Fill out and sign the Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Rights for each proposed article. The format must be signed at least by the main author of the article and will be sent in PDF.
2.- Adhere to the Word format for publishing articles established by the selected magazine. The article will be sent in Word. Each article will be sent in Word and will be analyzed by the Review Committee of the Journals, who will determine the pertinent recommendations, if necessary.
3.- When the article is already authorized to be published, an Article Acceptance Letter is sent to them and they are invited to make the corresponding payment and send proof of payment by email, indicating the name of the article paid for and the main author. .
4.- Once the article has been paid, it is requested that they send proof of payment and in exchange they are sent a Proof of Article Publication for the authors, and their article has already reserved its place in the edition.
5.- The mentioned formats can be downloaded from this page.
6.- Payment conditions:
Cash payment once the articles are authorized to be published, and up to 5 days to complete the payment.

The cost per article is $2,320.00 (Two thousand three hundred and twenty Mexican pesos 00/100 MN) VAT included.
For each article published, a certificate of participation is granted to each co-author. (up to five authors, additional author $100.00 (one hundred pesos 00/100 MN) plus VAT)
Once the payment has been made, they are asked to send the bank receipt by email, indicating the name of the article paid for and the main author to ensure their place in the edition.
In case you require an invoice, we will require the following information:
Name of the person or institution to whom it will be billed.
TAX data number of the person or institution to whom it will be billed.
Fiscal Zip Code updated for this current year.

Dates of receipt and publication of Articles:
Receipt of articles Publication of articles
February  / March / Abril 25
April 30
June  / July / August
August 31
October  / November / December
December 31

For downloadoing the formats to publish and the previous editions, go to the page Inicio.

The journal is indexed on the following pages:
1.     International Standard Serial Number – International Centre, run by the ISSN Network, based in Paris. We attach the link of the organization for your consultation.

Revista de Administración, Psicología e Ingeniería Industrial
2.     Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor - Centro Nacional ISSN México
 Revista de Administración, Psicología e Ingeniería Industrial

3. Latindex

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5. Researcher ID 

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8. DOI
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